داستان آبیدیک

connective tissue graft


1 عمومی:: گرافت بافت همبند

Recent systematic reviews and consensus reports on root coverage procedures1,2 concluded that the addition of autologous connective tissue graft (CTG) or Emdogain(r) (EMD) under a Coronally Advanced Flap (CAF) are the procedures of choice to achieve complete root coverage as they both have extensive evidence showing that they significantly improve root coverage compared with CAF alone. A split mouth, randomized clinical trial3, has shown that treatment of gingival recession defects with either CAF+CTG or CAF+ EMD appears stable, clinically effective, and similar to each other on all measured parameters, even after 10 years. Because the CAF+EMD procedure avoids the need for a CTG harvesting procedure, it is the preferred treatment of most patients. A split mouth, randomized clinical trial5 which compared the treatment of gingival recession defects with either CAF+CTG or CAF + a xenogenic collagen matrix (CAF + CMX) after 6 months and 5 years concludes that CMX+CAF appears to present a viable and long-term alternative to traditional CTG+CAF therapy. A connective tissue graft for increasing the buccal plate volume as well as the veneering of tooth #13 were also planned.

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